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What is Lotto Betting?
Lotto betting is making a bet on the result of the official lottery draw — specifically, which lottery
balls (numbers) will be drawn.
You pick the numbers that you think will be drawn and if you guess correctly, you will win prizes —
usually in the form of cash. The size of the prize will depend on the number of balls (numbers) you
guess correctly.
How does it work?
Lotto Betting is not the same as buying a ticket into the official draw
In terms of choosing numbers, lotto betting may be the same, but you are not buying a lottery
ticket in the official draw. Lotto betting is conducted through a seperate independant company,
such as Lottoland, which is not connected in any way to the relevant lottery operator. Any money
you win is paid out by Lottoland, not the official lottery operator.
So, for example, let’s say you bet on the US PowerBall jackpot and correctly guess all of the
numbers that are drawn. Lottoland will pay you the prize money, not the official PowerBall
operator in the US.
Lottoland match the prizes of official lottery operators
Lottoland will match the prizes of each tier, including the jackpot, that the official lottery
operators pay out, as if you had won with an official lottery ticket.
So, for example, let’s say you bet on a lottery, such as the US PowerBall, and you guess 5
numbers (but not the PowerBall). This would win you the second prize tier which is about
€800,000. Lottoland will match this prize and pay you the prize money.
How can Lottoland pay such high jackpot amounts?
Lottoland operates an insurance model which means that each bet someone makes is insured.
Lottoland will pay all smaller wins directly from the revenue they receive from sales. Larger
jackpot wins will be covered by Lottoland’s insurance model.
This insurance-based business model enables Lottoland to offer their players the ability to win
huge jackpots, offered by official lottery operators, from all over the world.
Why not just buy a lottery ticket?
Our offer is very different; for starters, we don’t sell physical tickets. Everything is done
online, plus we are not connected to the relevant lottery operator.
Our betting model also gives us the freedom to offer our players free bets, special offers and
unique features such as Double Jackpot.
We can also offer ‘special jackpots’ higher
than those available elsewhere.